
UK Results Higher Than Expected And The Day Is Full Of Speeches

UK Results Higher Than Expected And The Day Is Full Of Speeches| FXMAG.COM

Table of contents

  1. Reports form United Kingdom
    1. The Brazilian Consumer Price Index (CPI)
      1. Speeches of the day
        1. Summary

          There will be few reports today, but they are important. We are also awaiting the speeches of many bank representatives.

          Reports form United Kingdom

          UK reports showed positive results and were higher than expected.

          The results for August with Average Earnings ex Bonus reached 5.4% and were 0.1% higher than expected, and increased compared to the previous reading.

          The unemployment rate also turned out to be positive and was lower than expected. The current reading of the unemployment rate was at 3.5% and it was expected to keep the previous level of 3.6%.

          Despite positive results, the change in the number of unemployed people in the U.K. during the reported month turned out to be much higher than expected. The current Claimant Count Change reading is 25.5K. The last reading was at the level of 1.1K, which means a significant increase in jobseekers.

          Read more: UK Results Higher Than Expected And The Day Is Full Of Speeches| FXMAG.COM

          The Brazilian Consumer Price Index (CPI)

          Today Brazil publishes inflation data for September. YoY's CPI is expected to hit 7.10%, a decline from the previous reading of 8.73%. If the forecast is correct, it means that the index has been falling since July.


          As for the MoM CPI, it is also expected to decline from -0.36% to -0.34%. And just like CPI YoY will decline from July.

          Speeches of the day

          In addition to UK earnings data and Brazilian inflation data, we expect a lot of speeches.

          We are waiting for two speeches from a German bank. The first at 14:00 CET, which also starts with all the speeches today. The speaker will be Burkhard Balz Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank. The next speech will be German Buba Wuermeling Speaks which is set at 17:00 CET, traders may see the immediate global market impact.

          There will also be speeches by representatives of the European Central Bank (ECB) today. The first is scheduled for 14:45 CET. The speaker will be Philip R. Lane, member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank. The next one will take place a quarter of an hour later, with a speech by Andrea Enria, Chair of Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank.

          The last speakers from the old continent will be representatives of a British bank. Bank of England (BOE) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) Member Sir Jon Cunliffe will speak at 17:00 CET. Andrew Bailey, head of the BOE's Monetary Policy Committee will speak at 20:35 CET. This speech will be the most important of the day because it will have the greatest impact on the currency of the country (British Pound, GBP) and thus on the entire currency market.

          Today also FOMC members will take the floor. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Patrick Harker is set to speak at 17:30 CET. His public engagements are often used to drop subtle clues regarding future monetary policy. Another speech will be made half an hour after this with Loretta J. Mester.


          • 8:00 CET UK Average Earnings Index +Bonus (Aug)
          • 8:00 CET UK Claimant Count Change (Sep)
          • 8:00 CET UK Unemployment Rate (Aug)
          • 14:00 CET German Buba Balz Speaks
          • 14: 00 CET Brazilian CPI (YoY) (Sep)
          • 14:45 CET ECB's Lane Speaks
          • 15:00 CET ECB's Enria Speaks
          • 17:00 CET BoE MPC Member Cunliffe Speaks
          • 17:00 CET German Buba Wuermeling Speaks
          • 17:30 CET FOMC Member Harker Speaks
          • 18:00 CET FOMC Member Mester Speaks
          • 20:00 CET ECB's Lane Speaks
          • 20:35 CET BoE Gov Bailey Speaks

