Bearish WASDE Report Impacting Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat

The USDA’s latest WASDE report was a largely bearish affair, particularly for corn and soybeans. The USDA revised up its US corn production estimate by 55m bushels to 15.32bn bushels, on the back of a larger than expected planted area as reported in its recent acreage report. A reduction in yield estimates (due to recent dry weather) was not enough to offset the higher acreage. The market was expecting a larger fall in yields, therefore the USDA’s production estimate was above the 15.15b bushels the market was expecting. Higher output sees US ending stock estimates for 2023/24 at 2,262m bushels, up slightly from the previous forecast and above the 2,166m bushels the market was expecting. For the global balance, corn production for 2023/24 is forecast to increase by 1.7mt to 1,224.5mt, as output increases from Canada (+0.7mt) and Ukraine (+0.5mt) partially offset by reductions from the EU (-0.9mt). 2023/24 global ending stocks for corn were left largely unchanged at 314.1mt, although this was above the little more than 312mt the market was expecting.
The USDA lowered 2023/24 US soybean output estimates by 210m bushels to 4,300m bushels due to lower acreage. The market was expecting further downside to soybean output, however, the agency left yields unchanged from last month. US 2023/24 ending stock estimates were reduced from 350m bushels to 300m bushels, which was still well above the roughly 206m bushels the market was expecting. For the global market, 2023/24 soybean production estimates were lowered by 5.4mt to 405.3mt, which leaves ending stocks for 2023/24 at just under 121mt.
Lastly, the USDA projects US wheat supplies to increase by 74m bushels to 1,739m bushels. This pushes US ending stock estimates up by 30m bushels to 592m bushels, which is above the roughly 565m bushels the market was expecting. For the global wheat market, the USDA expects 2023/24 wheat production to fall to 796.7mt this season, down from an earlier estimate of 800.2mt. As a result, ending stocks for 2023/24 were lowered by 4.2mt to 266.5mt, which is less than the market was expecting.