Author's articles

The Commodities Feed: Possible Ukrainian grain exports | ING Economics

USD/PLN To Plunge Soon!? Is Zloty (PLN) Gearing Up For... Skyrocketing!? Get Ready Poles... NBP Is About To Speak Its Mind | ING Economics

Asia week ahead: Central bank meetings and inflation readings | ING Economics

What's Going To Be Euro To Zloty (EUR/PLN)? National Bank Of Poland Decides On Interest Rate This Week! | ING Economics

PMIs Of China Shows Manufacturing Outruned Services In May, But COVID Lockdowns Have Been Pulled Back | ING Economics

US CPI Released This Week Is The Key Factor For US Dollar (USD) And Fed. Does ECB Really Want To Delay Supporting Euro (EUR)!? | ING Economics

Forex: EUR And AUD Awaiting RBA And ECB Moves. What About GBP And Boris Johnson? USD To Be Boosted Shortly? | ING Economics

Crude Oil Price May Be Affected By Saudi Arabia. Which Increased Official Selling Prices (OSP) | ING Economics

US: Greater challenges to come for the hardy consumer | ING Economics

Neutral interest rates: phantoms worth chasing? | ING Economics

Tight US jobs market will keep the 50bp hikes coming | ING Economics

Do People Still Borrow Money Even If Inflation And Interest Rates Keep Schocking!? | ING Economics

Second-round effects of high energy prices are largest in the food and beverage industry | ING Economics

The sectors most affected by soaring energy prices | ING Economics

Spanish Economics Can Gain Much In The Near Future | ING Economics

Eurozone retail sales show weak start to 2Q | ING Economics

Shrinking French GDP? Economic Growth May Be Supported In Q3 By Tourists | ING Economics

Central banks to keep hiking amid uncomfortably high inflation | ING Economics