Author's articles

ING Economics: "US job momentum maintained despite worker shortages"

(INR) "Reserve Bank of India hikes rates by 40bp" - ING Economics

ING Economics: "Rates Spark: Tightening goes global"

ING Economics: "Bank Pulse: Smaller banks more at risk with MREL compliance"

German consumers react to record-high inflation - "ING Economics"

ING Economics: "Price pressures to keep the Fed hiking as 2Q US outlook improves"

"Italian inflation takes a breather in April, but the core measure grinds higher" - ING Economics

ING Economics: "Key events in EMEA next week"

"Key events in developed markets next week" - ING Economics

"Italian slowdown turns to contraction in first quarter" - ING Economics

ING Economics: "French inflation still on the rise and spreading to the whole economy"

ING Economics: "German economy surprises to the upside"

ING Economics: "The Commodities Feed: Metals rebound on China stimulus pledges"

ING Economics: "FX Daily: Moving to DEFCON2 on Japanese FX intervention"

ING Economics: "Rates Spark: Inflation reasserts itself as the main driver of rates"

ING Economics: "French GDP stagnates in 1Q, hit by household consumption"

ING Economics: "German inflation still on the rise"