Signs of Hope: Polish Manufacturing Sees a Turnaround as Producer Prices Stabilize

Industrial production fell 3.1% YoY in September, but there are early positive signs as seasonally adjusted data points to a turnaround. Producer prices (PPI) also started stabilising, but deflation in YoY terms is there to stay for some time
Industrial production fell by 3.1% YoY in September (ING: -3.8%; consensus: -3.0%) with a further deepening of the decline in manufacturing (-3.7% YoY vs. -2.0% in August), though it is worth remembering that September this year had one working day less than in September 2022, what deducted ca 3pp from production in YoY terms.
There are, however, some encouraging signs as seasonally adjusted data points to a 0.9%MoM increase in output. It was the second consecutive month of rising activity growth in seasonally adjusted terms.
Industrial production, 2015=100, SA
Large annual declines in production were recorded in export-oriented industries: metals (-15.7% YoY), electrical equipment (-15.0% YoY), and electronic and optical products (-10.4% YoY). At the same time, increases were recorded in areas related to investment and energy. Production in the “repair and installation of machinery and equipment” increased by 7.3% YoY. Growth was also observed in the “electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply” (+3.7% YoY). This suggests that we should see continued expansion of investment and further deepening of the decline in exports in the composition of 3Q23 GDP.
Although the headline production indicator on an annual base still looks dismal, the seasonally adjusted data suggests that industry has most likely found the bottom and has started to rebound. Business surveys suggest that the decline in orders is slowing down, which should support a gradual stabilisation and then a bounce back in activity in the coming months.
Producer prices (PPI) fell by 2.8% YoY in September (ING: -3.4%; consensus: -2.7%), following a 2.9% YoY decline in August (data revised). On an annual basis, we still have deflation, but the price level is beginning to stabilise. The MoM decline in prices over the past two months has stalled. Despite strong reductions in wholesale fuel prices, the magnitude of the price decline in the 'coke and refined petroleum products production' category turned out shallower than expected
PPI inflation, %YoY