Metals Market Update: Decline in LME Copper On-Warrant Stocks, Zinc and Lead Surplus Continues, Nickel Market in Supply Surplus

Recent LME data show on-warrant copper stock outflows of 19,175 tonnes, leaving total on-warrant stocks at 30,125 tonnes, the lowest since October 2021. Cancelled warrants rose by 14,850 tonnes to 50,275 tonnes, while total exchange inventories fell by 4,325 to 80,400 tonnes.
In zinc and lead, data from the International Lead and Zinc Study Group (ILZSG) show that the global zinc market remained in a supply surplus of 137kt in the first four months of the year compared to a supply surplus of 156kt a year earlier. Total refined production rose by 1.2% year-on-year to 4.56mt, while total consumption rose by 1.6% YoY to 4.42mt between January and April 2023. As for lead, total production reported gains of 2.2% YoY to 4.09mt, while consumption remained almost flat at 4.15mt over the first four months of the year. The lead market was estimated to have seen a supply deficit of 46kt between January and April, lower than the 122kt deficit during the same time last year.
As for nickel, the latest data from the International Nickel Study Group (INSG) show that the global nickel market remained in a supply surplus of 20,500 tonnes in April, compared to a marginal deficit of 2,600 tonnes in the same period last year. In its recent bi-annual press release, the group forecast a surplus of 239kt for the global market this year.