Metals Market Update: Zinc Inventories Drop, Copper Production Rises, Steel Inventories Decline, and Central Banks Boost Gold ReservesFOREXING Economics
"Global Steel Output Rises as Chinese Production Surges, Copper Market Remains in DeficitFOREXING Economics
Metals Market Update: Zinc Stocks Rise, Iron Ore Pressured by Production Cuts and Property Market Woes"FOREXING Economics
Copper Spreads Strengthen as LME Inventories Decline and Chinese Steel Inventories RiseCOMMODITIESING Economics
Metals Market Update: Decline in LME Copper On-Warrant Stocks, Zinc and Lead Surplus Continues, Nickel Market in Supply SurplusFOREXING Economics
Market Update: Copper Inventory Withdrawals Tighten Spread, Saudi Arabia Raises Oil PricesCOMMODITIESING Economics