Agricultural Update: CS Brazil Sugarcane Crush Surpasses Expectations with Impressive Growth

The latest fortnightly report from UNICA shows that sugar cane crushing in Center-South Brazil increased by 4.2% year-on-year to 40.3mt in the first half of June, which is slightly lower than the roughly 42mt the market was expecting.
The cumulative sugar cane crush for the season as of mid-June rose 13.9% YoY to 166.3mt. Meanwhile, sugar production rose by 18.7% YoY to 2.6mt in the first half of June, lower than the 2.7mt expected. Around 49% of cane was allocated to sugar production in the fortnight, higher than the 44.5% allocated to sugar in the same period last year, as higher sugar prices prompted mills to increase sugar output.
Cumulative sugar output so far this season stands at 9.5mt, which is up 32.1% YoY.