Decline in the financial sector, retail and construction are the main reasons for the economic contraction
From a sectoral perspective, value-added fell in the financial sector (-2.6% quarter-on-quarter growth), water utilities (-2.2%), energy supply sector (-1.9%), construction (-1.1%) and trade, transport & hospitality (-0.8%). The latter includes retail, of which sales volumes declined by more than 1% in line with low consumer sentiment. Taking into account the size of sectors as well, it was the financial sector, retail and construction that provided the largest drag on total value-added.
Semi-public services (-0.2%) and manufacturing (0.0%) stagnated, while value-added still expanded in mining & quarrying (i.e. oil & gas, 3.9%), agriculture & fishery (1.9%), ICT (1.1%), business services (1.1%) and real estate (0.9%). The stagnation of manufacturing stands out positively, as this is despite the fact it has reduced the use of gas strongly (-39% in 3Q22 compared to 3Q19) and some firms were shut down partially or completely, such as those in aluminium, zinc and fertilisers. Manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, cars and trailers, clothing and electrical equipment performed particularly well in terms of production growth in the third quarter.