"Declining Trend: African Coffee Production Falls by 7.3%, Led by Ivory Coast

The latest data from the International Coffee Organization shows that African coffee production in 2022/23 fell by 7.3% YoY to 17.9m bags (60 kg bags), down from 19.3m bags (60 kg bags) for the previous season. The decline was mainly due to low production in Ivory Coast, where output dropped 65% YoY to 600k bags. Along with that, Uganda and Kenya coffee production also declined by 6.7% YoY and 3.9% YoY to 5.6m bags and 730k bags, respectively.
The latest trade numbers from Chinese Customs show that China’s soybean imports rose 7.8% YoY to 7.9mt in November, as cheaper supplies from Brazil continued to dominate the import market share. Cumulative imports rose 13.3% YoY to 89.6mt over the first eleven months of the year.