
US Retail Sales Expected to Continue Steady Growth in June, While Speculation Surrounds Ocado's H1 2023 Performance

US Retail Sales Expected to Continue Steady Growth in June, While Speculation Surrounds Ocado's H1 2023 Performance


  • US Retail Sales (Jun) – 18/07 – US retail sales growth has been broadly steady for the most part during Q2, rising 0.4% in April and 0.3% in May. All the while consumer confidence has been increasing while inflation expectations have been falling. All of this should make for a more positive headwind for US consumer spending. Expectations for June retail sales are for a gain of 0.4%, against a backdrop of a still resilient jobs market, despite concerns that the manufacturing sector slowdown will start to act as a significant drag on the more resilient services sector.
  • Ocado H1 23 – 18/07 – having narrowly avoided being relegated to the FTSE250 in the last reshuffle Ocado shares recently jumped to their highest levels in March, as chatter about a possible Amazon bid drove speculation in the share price. One of their largest shareholders Lingotto Investment Management increased its stake in the business to 5% fuelling speculation that something might be afoot, especially given the lack of any pushback on the speculation by either Amazon or Ocado. In Q1 Ocado reported revenues of £584m a rise of 3.4% on last year, while average orders per week have risen 3.6% to 381k. Average basket value remained flat, despite a fall in basket size and a rise in active customers to 951k, a rise of 13.8% year on year. This trend continues to show that with ever rising prices Ocado customers, like a lot of other retailers, are spending more money and getting less. Ocado kept its full year guidance unchanged.       


