
FX: Movement Of Major Currency Pairs This Week

FX: Movement Of Major Currency Pairs This Week| FXMAG.COM

Table of contents

  1. EUR/USD
    1. GBP/USD
      1. AUD/USD
        1. USD/JPY

          Next week we will have another powerful breakthrough in this respect: besides the release of important reports, 4 major world central banks (USA, Switzerland, UK and eurozone) will announce their decisions on monetary policies.

          The dollar may strengthen again. A strong US economy and aggressive interest rate hikes are strong assets for the US dollar, but not the only ones. The USD index rose as a result of strong demand for safe assets at a time when fear dominated the markets. A deep recession would increase the demand for the US dollar as a safe-haven asset.

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          Read next:The Fed And Slowing Down The Pace Of Rate Hikes On Last Meeting This Year?| FXMAG.COM


          This week the pair started at 1.0545. This level was followed by a weekly high of 1.0585. On Wednesday, the pair met the expectations of ING economists and moved around 1.0400, thus reaching the lowest levels of the week at 1.0452. The mood was gloomy and the bulls had challenges ahead. The pair gradually recovered from losses and returned to trading above 1.0500. Currently, the pair is trading at 1.0572

          There were no economic events during the week that could significantly affect the currency pair. On Wednesday, the euro received support from the eurozone as the domestic gross production reading was higher than expected. Moreover, the weak us dollar during the week added strength to EUR/USD.


          EUR/USD price movement will depend on the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. Next week the central banks will sum up the year results and outline further prospects.

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          EUR/USD Weekly Chart


          The cable market started the week well at 1.2295. On the same day, GBP/USD hit its highest level of the week, trading at 1.2336. Tuesday and Wednesday were the weakest days for the couple. Just like EUR/USD, the pound/dollar also hit a low on Wednesday, dropping to 1.2107. After that, the pair rose and recorded a correction. Currently, the price of the pair is at 1.2239.

          This week has been empty in terms of reports. The movement of the pair was influenced mainly by the situation of the dollar. Next week brings a lot of emotions among traders. British reports will open in the coming week with data on industrial production and GDP for October. This report presents aggregated economic data and will have a major impact on the Bank of England's monetary policy decision (Thursday).

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          GBP/USD Weekly Chart


          The pair of Australian dollar (AUD/USD) started the week at 0.6799. Like the British pound, the Aussie hit a weekly high on Monday. The highest price level was 0.6848. Then the pair began to wane. Following the trend of currencies from the old continent, Wednesday was the lowest level of the pair, 0.6672. And just like the pairs above, AUD/USD tried to recover. The pair closed the week at 0.6772.


          China's announcement of easing covid restrictions added support to the Australian dollar. On Tuesday, the Reserve Bank of Australia recently raised its key interest rate by 25 basis points to 3.1%, but the bank's decision did not add strong support to the AUD price.

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          AUS/USD Weekly Chart


          USD/JPY started the week at a low of 134.4900, on the same day it recorded a weekly low of 134.1300. The upward trend continued until Wednesday. On that day, the Japanese yen pair peaked at 137.8010. There were declines after that. The week ended with USD/JPY at 135.0740

          Undoubtedly, the weakness of the dollar and the statement of the representative of the Bank of Japan added support to the Yen.

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          USD/JPY Weekly Chart



          Kamila Szypuła

          Kamila Szypuła


          Kamila has a bachelors degree in economics and a master's degree in finance and accounting, specializing in banking and financial consulting

          Follow Kamila on social media:

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