CEE: Forint and koruna should reverse losses
The second half of the month in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region traditionally offers a weaker economic calendar and given the global story, we assume that regional factors will not be the driver this week. Romania's inflation for February was released this morning and rose by 15.52% year-on-year, slightly above market expectations. Tomorrow, we will see in Romania, industrial production and on Wednesday we will see labour market data. Also, on Wednesday we will see this week's highlight, Poland's inflation number. We expect an increase from 17.4% to 18.7% YoY, above market expectations, which should be the peak inflation this year in our view. However, the number has a lot of uncertainty due to the consumer basket weight update. Then, on Thursday, we will see the current account results across the region and on Friday, core inflation will be published in Poland.
In FX markets, given the global story, it will be difficult for the CEE region to find its way. However, risk aversion seems to be declining and a higher EUR/USD should help the region correct some of the losses from the end of the last week. Moreover, in the case of the Czech koruna and Hungarian forint, which faced the biggest losses, the biggest jump in gas prices since June last year played a role as well, making room for new gains. In our view, these two currencies should see a positive start to the week. In the case of the koruna, however, the falling interest rate differential will play against it. Thus, we expect the koruna to move lower to 23.60 EUR/CZK and for the forint to 380 EUR/HUF.
Frantisek Taborsky