PLN: The FX mortgage saga remains on the table
Yesterday, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) gave its opinion on the FX mortgage issue in Poland. According to the statement, European Union law does not prevent local law from allowing consumers to claim compensation over and above the compensation already common today. On the other hand, banks cannot charge capital costs if the contract with the client is terminated. However, it seems that a clear interpretation of the ECJ's opinion is yet to be found before assessing whether yesterday's statement is negative or not. From the market reaction, it seems that the first direction was negative, however, during the day the Polish market was rather hit by the global story, and in fact, banking stocks in Poland reversed their direction and erased their initial losses.
Of course, this story did not end yesterday, and we will probably see more headlines from local banks and the government in the coming days as to what the expected impact on the banking sector is. As for the market, we are unlikely to see a clear sell-off and a jump-up in the Polish zloty, but the issue remains on the table, and we are more likely to see constant pressure on the zloty to continue to underperform the CEE region. For now, we expect EUR/PLN to stabilise around 4.77.
Also today after the end of trading we will see a rating review of Poland by S&P. We expect the rating to remain unchanged and yesterday's decision should not affect the review. However, the August review assumed a smooth drawdown of EU money, which has emerged as a problem for the Polish government in recent weeks. Moreover, the macro picture is also mixed and after the experience with the recent downgrade in the case of Hungary, the market cannot ignore this review.
Frantisek Taborsky