CZK: Koruna's Resilience Amid Global Influences - 16.08.2023

The Czech koruna is the only currency in the CEE region that has surprisingly resisted losses. The widely expected depreciation after the end of the Czech National Bank's intervention regime two weeks ago did not come and, moreover, the strong US dollar does not seem to be weighing on the koruna. The balance sheet data also refutes any suspicions that the central bank would be active in the market again and prevent the CZK from weakening. IRS rates are following US rates in a rapid pace upwards, which was probably helped by the very stretched dovish expectations earlier.
Plus, it appears the CNB hawkish story may have one more mini episode thanks to the spike in fuel prices following the August excise tax hike. This, by our calculations, could lead headline inflation above the CNB's forecast, whereas so far inflation has basically only surprised to the downside in recent months. Thus, the market may later find the current upward correction in rates to be justified. But it is too early to tell.
For now, however, the interest rate differential in the Czech Republic seems to be the only one on a significant upswing, supporting FX. Based purely on yesterday's rate move, our model indicates that this could be enough for the koruna to move below 24.0 EUR/CZK for the first time since the last CNB meeting. Of course, the Czech Republic is not in a vacuum and a stronger US dollar or higher gas prices could also have an impact here, but for now it seems to be an island of safety in the region.