
what is natural gas?


Articles related to what is natural gas?

Did you know that in October average gas price was 4.3 times higher than in 2019?| FXMAG.COM

Did you know that in October average gas price was 4.3 times higher than in 2019?

ING Economics
An incoming cold spell in the US has seen the cost of US gas surge 27% during the past three trading session while (...) Dutch TTF gas contracts remain below €150| FXMAG.COM

An incoming cold spell in the US has seen the cost of US gas surge 27% during the past three trading session while (...) Dutch TTF gas contracts remain below €150

Ole Hansen
Nonetheless, the dollar rally looks outdated, having exhausted the fundamental drivers says FxPro Analyst| FXMAG.COM

Nonetheless, the dollar rally looks outdated, having exhausted the fundamental drivers says FxPro Analyst

Alex Kuptsikevich
Gas: Volatility still remains high and colder weather over January and February could see the natural gas bulls come back into town says Luke Suddards| FXMAG.COM

Gas: Volatility still remains high and colder weather over January and February could see the natural gas bulls come back into town says Luke Suddards

Luke Suddards
A significant increase in gas prices supported the quotations of companies that are both producers and distributors of gas, especially on the US market| FXMAG.COM

A significant increase in gas prices supported the quotations of companies that are both producers and distributors of gas, especially on the US market

Greater demand for cheap American gas generated by European countries results in lower availability of gas in the country and a slower increase in inventories| FXMAG.COM

Greater demand for cheap American gas generated by European countries results in lower availability of gas in the country and a slower increase in inventories

The United States obtains the vast majority of gas from shale| FXMAG.COM

The United States obtains the vast majority of gas from shale

With current consumption, global gas reserves - similarly to oil - are expected to last for more than 50 years| FXMAG.COM

With current consumption, global gas reserves - similarly to oil - are expected to last for more than 50 years

Natural gas is the third most important energy resource in the world – XTB’s report | FXMAG.COM

Natural gas is the third most important energy resource in the world – XTB’s report

Commodities: Favorable weather conditions may be gone some time soon, so energy prices may go further up| FXMAG.COM

Commodities: Favorable weather conditions may be gone some time soon, so energy prices may go further up

Ed Moya
Gas prices lose rocket propeller as weather conditions let us think of a delayed consumption| FXMAG.COM

Gas prices lose rocket propeller as weather conditions let us think of a delayed consumption

ING Economics
In Europe weather conditions play in favour of filling up the inventories, but 2023 may be a greater challenge| FXMAG.COM

In Europe weather conditions play in favour of filling up the inventories, but 2023 may be a greater challenge

ING Economics
Kim Crammer Larsson (Saxo Bank) Comments On Dutch Gas, Henry Hub Gas And Carbon Emission| FXMAG.COM

Kim Crammer Larsson (Saxo Bank) Comments On Dutch Gas, Henry Hub Gas And Carbon Emission

Kim Cramer Larsson
Forex: Oh My... Euro (EUR) To US Dollar (EUR/USD) Has Decreased By Almost 5% This Month So Far...| FXMAG.COM

Forex: Oh My... Euro (EUR) To US Dollar (EUR/USD) Has Decreased By Almost 5% This Month So Far...

Kenny Fisher
Brent And WTI Crude Oil Prices Trading Near $90 And $80 Levels Respectively, Nord Stream Sabotaged | FXMAG.COM

Brent And WTI Crude Oil Prices Trading Near $90 And $80 Levels Respectively, Nord Stream Sabotaged

Craig Erlam