Warsaw Stock Exchange: Bioton - strong exports

Bioton realized export sales in 2022 above our expectations. Cooperation with Yifan in the Chinese market is starting to bear fruit. Due to the effect of stocking up, we expect it will be difficult to repeat such a good export performance this year, but the company is nevertheless working to increase sales in other areas. The analog project is still an option for the company, however, currently postponed by about two years. As a result of the forecast update, we are adjusting our valuation from PLN 4.68 to PLN 5.34 per share.
The main contributor to the strong 2022 results was strong insulin export sales, which amounted to PLN 108m (+165% y/y). Domestic insulin sales amounted to PLN 77.8m and were comparable y/y. Sales of diabetes tablets and other goods amounted to PLN 22.5m (+15% y/y), and services to PLN 18.9m (+15% y/y). Selling, general and administrative expenses are under control and increased by 9% y/y. EBITDA in 2022 was PLN 55.7m (+21% y/y), and adjusted for the balance of other operating income and expenses was PLN 59.5 m (+32% y/y). The company lowered net debt and at year-end it stood at PLN 67m vs. PLN 101m a year earlier.
A year ago, the outbreak of war in Ukraine had its effect, among others, on increased purchases of medicines. Therefore, in our view, the 1Q22 revenue base is high and may be difficult to beat in the first quarter of this year. On the other hand, inflationary pressures are easing and the company is working to optimize its offerings, hence we expect 1Q23 operating profit to be higher y/y despite lower revenues.
The analog project involving the production of biosimilar equivalents of insulin glargine and lispro analogs is, in our view, part of the company's value building in the long term. In its last report, Bioton said that in the context of the insulin lispro analog project, it is delayed by 1-2 years due to technological problems. In the case of insulin glargine, the company has completed laboratory-scale batches with the intention of producing a clinical-scale batch of the drug substance in Q2 2023. Due to project delays, we are also pushing forward our analog projections by two years. Meanwhile, a growing competitive battle is evident in the analog market, with major players lowering initial list prices and taking the fight to emerging biosimilar insulin offerings.
The main risk factor we see for our forecasts and valuation is the risk of further delay or failure to register and release the insulin analogs the company is working on.
Our valuation is equally based on DCF (PLN 4.42/share) and peers valuation (PLN 6.27/share) and indicates present fair price at PLN 5.34/share.
We calculated the value of one share of Bioton as the average of the peers and DCF valuation with equal weights. On this basis, we estimated the current value of the company’s stock at 4.68 PLN per share (previously 4.68 PLN/share).
In table below we present valuation summary:
Below we present Cost of Equity and WACC calculation:
We’ve based comparative analysis on foreign insulin manufacturers. In valuation process we’ve taken into account P/E, EV/EBITDA and EV/Sales multiples (we assign 40% weight to P/E and EV/EBITDA, and 20% to EV/Sales valuation) in 2023-2025 (previously in 2022-2024). We’ve adjusted revenues by reinvoiced R&D expenses concerning insulin analogs. We applied a 20% discount to the final valuation to take into account the fact that the comparable companies are larger, have a more established market position and mostly pay dividends. On the base of peers valuation, we valued Bioton at PLN6.27/share (previously PLN4.97/share).
Podsumowanie wyceny porównawczej:
Krzysztof Radojewski Deputy Head of Research and Advisory Department krzysztof.radojewski@noblesecurities.pl +48 22 213 22 35
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