The Achieved Consolidated Revenues Of The Action Group Increased By 7% Y/Y

This report is prepared for the Warsaw Stock Exchange SA within the framework of the Analytical Coverage Support Program. 3.0.
On Friday, during the WSE trading hours, Action informed about their preliminary sales and gross profit margin on sales in July. The Group’s consolidated revenues reached PLN 175 million (up 7% yoy) while the gross profit margin on sales lost 0.3 pp mom and amounted to 7.2%.
Expected impact:Neutral, as the informationreached the market during Friday’s WSE trading. We cannot preclude that the reported margin may finally turn higher than the preliminary one, as it was the case before. The revenue growth dynamic stays in the range 5--10% which corresponds with the Company’s target this year.
Analyst: Jakub K. Viscardi
GPW’s Analytical Coverage Support Programme 3.0