Ferro - 4Q22 financial results summary – Warsaw Stock Exchange

We uphold our recommendations for the Company: ST relative Underweight and LT fundamental Hold. In line with our expectations the Company’s 4Q22 EBIT fell yoy and we expect 1Q23 operating performance to be weaker yoy as well. We believe the unfavorable market conditions prevail and new housing investments continue to decline in the region which will undoubtedly affect the demand on the primary construction materials market. Moreover, the consumers’ deteriorating condition hurts the secondary market and clients seem to look for cheaper goods and are not interested in novelties, which could be observed a year before. The situation on the commodities market has improved slightly witnessing a drop of raw materials prices and PLN strengthening vs US$ last year. We expect to see a pressure on sales and profitability support.
Sector: Construction materials
Market Cap: US$ 126.4 m
Fundamental rating: Hold (→)
Bloomberg code: FRO PW
Market relative: Underweight (→)
Av. daily turnover: US$ 0.04 m Price: PLN 25.5
12M range: PLN 20.00-32.80
12M EFV: PLN 28.7 (→)
Free float: 100%
Recent events
Upcoming events
The Group’s 4Q22 revenues reached PLN 209million (down 6% yoy) and FY22 sales grew 10% yoy to PLN 915 million with the segments of batteries and accessories/ installation fittings/ heating systems contributing PLN 421/ 302/ 175 million (up 8%/ 19%/ 4% yoy). The Group’s FY22 sales in Poland/ Czechia/ Slovakia/ Romania/ Hungary/ other countries increased by 6%/ 13%/ 19%/ 16%/ 32%/ 1%.
The 4Q22 EBIT margin stood at 9.2% and exceeded our expectations, as we assumed a profitability decline to 8.0% vs 9.8% in 4Q21. Ultimately, the Group’s 4Q22 NI hit PLN 19 million (down 12% yoy, but still above our expectations). Nonetheless, net financial costs turned out to be materially higher than we forecast: PLN -6 million vs PLN -3 million on the back of higher cost of interest (debt increase and interest rates hikes; we assumed positive FX differences). In consequence, the Group’s 4Q22 PBT hit PLN 14 million (down 14% yoy), in line with our forecast. The Group’s NI reached c. PLN 12 million (up 11% yoy) and beat our forecast by 9% (the effective tax rate was 31% in 4Q21).
At the end of 4Q22 the Group’s inventories stood at PLN 293 million (up 13% yoy) and ND totaled PLN 182 million vs PLN 104 million at 2021-end; the ND/ EBITDA ratio reached 1.7x. Operating/ investing cash flows in 2022 reached PLN -4/ -26 million vs PLN 58/ -73 million in 2021.
We keep our financial forecasts intact.
Risk factors
Analyst: Sylwia Jaskiewicz, CFA
GPW’s Analytical Coverage Support Programme 3.0
8/2023/GPW (25) March 30, 2023
This report is prepared for the Warsaw Stock Exchange SA within the framework of the Analytical Coverage Support Program 3.0. This is an excerpt from the Polish version of DM BOÅš SA’s research report.