
DataWalk - 3Q22 final financial results released – in line with preliminary figures. | Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE:DAT)

DataWalk - 3Q22 final financial results released – in line with preliminary figures. | Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE:DAT) | FXMAG.COM

datawalk 3q22 final financial results released in line with preliminary figures warsaw stock exchange wse dat grafika numer 1datawalk 3q22 final financial results released in line with preliminary figures warsaw stock exchange wse dat grafika numer 1

Event: 3Q22 final financial results released – in line with preliminary figures.

Before today’s session the Company released final 3Q22 financial results which are in line with the preliminary figures.

datawalk 3q22 final financial results released in line with preliminary figures warsaw stock exchange wse dat grafika numer 2datawalk 3q22 final financial results released in line with preliminary figures warsaw stock exchange wse dat grafika numer 2

datawalk 3q22 final financial results released in line with preliminary figures warsaw stock exchange wse dat grafika numer 3datawalk 3q22 final financial results released in line with preliminary figures warsaw stock exchange wse dat grafika numer 3

Other findings from the 3Q22 financial report, including the letter to shareholders:

  • In 3Q22 the Company observed some delay in purchase decisions taken by some clients and a decrease in a value of the first contract as well which are related to the economic slowdown;
  • DataWalk is on track to overcome the limitations related to slower performance of field engineering teams;
  • The effectiveness of these teams should not be a problem in 2023;
  • The Company expects to sign several important contracts before the 2022-end.

Expected impact: Neutral; the results are in line with the preliminary figures. Today (on November 22, 2022) at. 10:00 a.m., the Company will hold a conference to discuss 3Q22 financials.

This report is prepared for the Warsaw Stock Exchange SA within the framework of the Analytical Coverage Support Program 3.0.


GPW’s Analytical Coverage Support Programme 3.0

GPW’s Analytical Coverage Support Programme 3.0

GPW’s Analytical Coverage Support Programme 3.0

The Warsaw Stock Exchange's (GPW's) Analytical Coverage Support Programme 3.0 supports investment firms in drafting analytical reports which are financed by GPW. The objective of the Programme is to improve the availability of research covering less liquid companies, facilitating investors' informed investment decisions based on a reliable independent source of issuer information. Eligible to participate in the Programme are companies listed on the GPW Main Market (other than WIG20 participants) and on NewConnect. The Programme covers up to 50 issuers.

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