Valuation of Toya Shares: Applying DCF and Comparative Analysis Methods

We valued Toya shares using two methods: DCF with a weight of 90% and comparative analysis with a weight of 10%. We attributed a low share to the second method due to the fact that there are no companies on the Polish stock exchange with a profile of activity very similar to Toya's. On the other hand, foreign companies dealing in the sale of power tools operate more globally, are listed on developed markets, with a clear premium to Polish entities (premium for lower country risk). In the 9-month horizon, we set the target price at PLN 10.1. We did not include any one-off events in the valuation.
• Financial forecasts for 2023-2032
• FCF discounted at the beginning of September 2023.
• Net debt on 30.06.2023 calculated at PLN 31.5 m.
• Growth rate (g) 1%.
• Risk free rate 5.6%, market risk premium 6.1%, Beta 1.0.