Strengthening USD:
As of this morning, the EUR/USD currency pair is not considered as either bullish or bearish, instead it is represented on various trading platforms as mixed. Since trade opened this morning the value of the USD against the EUR hit a high of 1.08901. This means that the USD is strengthening against the EUR, perhaps the USD will continue to strengthen as a result of the Feds commitment to fighting inflation. Likewise, the current elections in France are putting stress on the value of the EUR.
Daily minor pair, EUR/GBP:
Since the market opened this morning, the highest price reflected for this exchange sat at 0.83608. The market sentiment of this exchange, like the EUR/USD exchange, is considered as mixed.
Weakening AUD or a Strengthening USD
As of the market open this morning, the AUD/USD exchange reached a high of 0.74401. This currency pair is currently sitting at bearish, the AUD seems to be weakening against USD amidst the rising treasury yields in the US and the retracement of commodity prices. The AUD is trying to bounce back against the USD, let's see what the rest of this week brings.
FOREX Safe-havens; CHF/JPY
Since the market opened this morning, the highest value of the CHF/JPY currency exchange pair is sitting at 134.896 with market sentiment considered mixed. The value of this pair lies high due to Japan's aggressive monetary policy. Both of these currencies are considered financial safe havens, however, they also experience random periods of volatility, making this pair attractive to investors.