
Meta Shows Interest in XTPL's Technology: Collaboration Potential in AR and VR Development

Meta Shows Interest in XTPL's Technology: Collaboration Potential in AR and VR Development

Table of contents

  1. Cooperation with Meta?

        Cooperation with Meta?

        meta shows interest in xtpl s technology collaboration potential in ar and vr development grafika numer 1meta shows interest in xtpl s technology collaboration potential in ar and vr development grafika numer 1


        According to a job announcement published on Meta's website, the company is seeking a Research Scientist Intern. Among the preferred qualifications is "exerience with XTPL printing" (link to the announcement).

        The team being recruited is developing the technologies needed to create breakthrough AR glasses and VR headsets, including in the areas of optics and displays, computer vision, audio, graphics, brain-computer-human interaction to revolutionize the way people interact with computing devices.

        Opinion. NEUTRAL. In Q3 2022, XTPL reported the sale of a DPS (Delta Printing System) device to a Big Five company in the US. The device was to be used to develop virtual reality technologies and products. The job announcement published by the Meta may indicate that this is the company XTPL was referring to in the 2022 announcement. At this stage, it is difficult to determine what Meta's progress is in developing new solutions using XTPL's technology, and whether this technology will be used to manufacture the company's devices in the future. Nevertheless, Meta's interest in and potential use of the technology developed by XTPL confirms the high quality of the solution offered and can serve as a reference for other companies in the industry

        GPW’s Analytical Coverage Support Programme 3.0

        GPW’s Analytical Coverage Support Programme 3.0

        The Warsaw Stock Exchange's (GPW's) Analytical Coverage Support Programme 3.0 supports investment firms in drafting analytical reports which are financed by GPW. The objective of the Programme is to improve the availability of research covering less liquid companies, facilitating investors' informed investment decisions based on a reliable independent source of issuer information. Eligible to participate in the Programme are companies listed on the GPW Main Market (other than WIG20 participants) and on NewConnect. The Programme covers up to 50 issuers.

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