Even though our BAN Trader Pro technology has just been released to members, the early price rotation in 2021 has shown incredible success the first week. Early 2021 BAN Trader Protriggers, used as discretionary trading signals for members, have caught some incredible early success recently.
The BAN Trader Pro system allocates trading capital into four high momentum ETFs with each new leg up in the stock market that meets the BAN trigger setup. This allows BAN Trader Pro members to capitalize on the strongest sectors presenting the highest BAN momentum ranking. Over many weeks and months, continuing to focus on the best assets to own (BAN: Best Asset Now) and trading only the best assets when proper alignment between the market and these momentum sector BAN setups occur, we are able to target stronger trends with reduced draw-downs and risks.
How to Benefit Using BAN Trader Pro Hotlist
Yet, one of the best added values for our BAN Trader Pro members is the BAN Hot List. This is a Daily list of the BAN sectorsetups which also includes new BAN triggers that fall somewhere below the top ten BAN ranking sectors. This allows our BAN Trader Pro members to take additional trades, as they like as a discretionary trade. These explosive trade setups coupled with our detailed position management guidelines packs a powerful punch for the growth of any account using them.
This partial screen capture of our current BAN Trade Pro Hotlist (blurred to protect Member-only content), highlights how to view the best ETFs to ownas any given time and all market conditions. The focus is on the top 10 sector ETFs and we want to see a new trigger, and for the long-term STAGE analysis to be BULLISH, the short-term TREND to be UP, and overall stock market sentiment to be RISK-ON, whichmeans investors are taking risks and betting on high growth in these sectors.
As you will see there have been a lot of great opportunities recently. They are all listed low on the BAN Hotlist software which we post every day for our premium subscribers.
The strength of the BAN Trader Pro technology is the ability to catch strong momentum/trend trades in an “aligned” market trend format across various market sectors. We call this the Best Asset Now (BAN) system for a reason. The higher the rankingof the BAN technology, the stronger the potential future trends. When a symbol moves up the BAN Trade Hotlist, it is growing in strength andmomentum. This is where we look for the best BAN trade setups when the stock market gives us a new buy signal fora major leg higher.
The additional BAN trade signals that fall below a new major market buy signal, and the end of the stock market trend are power setups for 7-15% moves within a couple weeks of a new trigger. We only want to trade the best assets in thestrongest trends. Our members are given the BAN Trader Pro Hotlist every morning before the opening bell. This allows them to make their own trading decisions using the BAN setups and to execute any valid BAN trade they want when looking for another trade to keep their portfolio working hard for them.
Daily & 10-Minute Chart of BAN Trade
This daily and 10-minute chart of the BAN trade trigger that was generated at the end of the trading day as all signals are (EOD).
Daily & 10-Minute Chart of BANTrade
This is another BAN trade trigger, generated. Trigger was 21 days ago, its moved up 13.47% and its likely going much higher.
2021 is going to be an incredible year for BAN Trader subscribers because of the big trends, high volatility, stimulus,and policies with the Biden administration. The time is now to learn and trade the Best Assets Now using our proven sector rotation strategy. Our BAN Trader Pro technology is proving to be an incredible technology advancement allows us to dominate the generate Alpha. We urge you to take advantage of the BAN Trader Pro technology and prepare for the big trends that should continue throughout all of 2021 and into 2022 and beyond.
I am teaching this BAN trading strategy free this week in this 1-hour webinar.Its everything you need to trade this on your own, no proprietary trading tools, or strings attached. Learn this strategy now and join me in this webinarhttps://joinnow.live/s/ClJSoP
We believe everytrader needs an edge to gain an advantage in the markets and that is exactly what we teach and deliver atwww.TheTechnicalTraders.com. After two decades of R&D, and hundreds of thousands of dollars building and testing, we've built the BAN Trader Pro so that we can maintain that edge over the markets and generate oversized annual return on investment.
Happy Trading
Chris Vermeulen
Founder of Technical Traders Ltd.
NOTICE : Our free research does not constitute a trade recommendation, or solicitation for our readers to take any action regarding this research. It is provided for educational purposes only. Our research team produces these research articles to share information with our followers/readersin an effort to try to keep you well informed.