
Distribution Network and Advantages of XTPL's Ultra-Precise Deposition Method

Distribution Network and Advantages of XTPL's Ultra-Precise Deposition Method

Distribution network

The company distributes its equipment through its own points and through intermediaries in specific markets. Currently, there is cooperation with five distributors:

• Bandi Consortia - South Korea - partner officially represents XTPL and supports the introduction of XTPL technology in the Flat Panel Display (FPD) and semiconductor industries.

• YI XIN - China and Hong Kong - distributor has a rich network of relationships with China's largest research institutions and industrial manufacturers in the display, touch panel and semiconductor industries.

• Semitronics - UK and Ireland - Introducing the technology to the UK and Ireland market with the intention of increasing adoption among players. increasing awareness and recognition of innovative solutions.

• Merconics - Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland - support for XTPL solutions in several countries, distributor operating in the area of advanced manufacturing equipment for semiconductors from the portfolio of brands, i.e. Bruker, Veeco, NovaCentrix or Opromec.


• Vertex - India - a company specializing in providing technology solutions for the display, semiconductor and organic PV cell industries.


distribution network and advantages of xtpl s ultra precise deposition method grafika numer 1distribution network and advantages of xtpl s ultra precise deposition method grafika numer 1


Ultra-precise deposition method vs. other technologies available on the market

XTPL technology excels over other additive methods in terms of viscosity and size of structures (no competing methods on the market). Additive methods have advantages over subtractive methods in terms of:

• application (more precise application, no need to remove unnecessary material)


• efficiency (is less time- and material-intensive) • environmental impact (no need for highly corrosive solutions)

• application capabilities (ability to apply to most substrates in the additive method, including curved surfaces vs. only flat substrates in the subtractive method)


The ultra-precise deposition (UPD) method developed by XTPL offers, among other things:

• the ability to print from high viscosity materials at small structure sizes

• the ability to print on a wide variety of materials • covering complex substrate topographies with a single continuous conductive path

• printing at very high resolution on virtually any substrate (flat or curved)



distribution network and advantages of xtpl s ultra precise deposition method grafika numer 2distribution network and advantages of xtpl s ultra precise deposition method grafika numer 2


GPW’s Analytical Coverage Support Programme 3.0

GPW’s Analytical Coverage Support Programme 3.0

The Warsaw Stock Exchange's (GPW's) Analytical Coverage Support Programme 3.0 supports investment firms in drafting analytical reports which are financed by GPW. The objective of the Programme is to improve the availability of research covering less liquid companies, facilitating investors' informed investment decisions based on a reliable independent source of issuer information. Eligible to participate in the Programme are companies listed on the GPW Main Market (other than WIG20 participants) and on NewConnect. The Programme covers up to 50 issuers.

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