Russia-Ukraine Tensions Persist. At The Same Time US EIA Energy Outlook And Japanese GDP Are Released

As we wrote on Friday, this week is not full of major events, but still there are some which definitely worth a follow. The most interesting ones are coming later this week, but tomorrow…
The day begins with the release of German Industrial Production (MoM), which previously amounted to -0.3%
GDP of Euro zone (YoY and QoQ) are released at 10 a.m. Previous values were accordingly 4.6% and 0.3%
At 1:30 p.m. Bureau of Economic Analysis releases Exports (prev. 228.10B), Imports (308.90B) And Trade Balance of January (-80.70B)
After a few hours “break” EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook indicator is released what seems to be crucial. Crude Oil situation in recent days is very, very dynamic as sanctions affect supplies.
The latter major event tomorrow is the release of Japanese GDP (YoY) (5.4%) which takes place at the eleventh hour - 11:50 p.m.
Time: GMT