Russia - Interest Rate Is Released On Friday. Week Of Monetary Policy Releases Ending - Economic Calendar By FXMAG.COM

And it's Thursday again, what a week! Fed raised the interest rate (25 bps) so did Bank of England (25 bps). What will Central Bank of Russia decide? Let's have a look at the Economic Calendar (courtesy of
Indians have a day free on Friday, but Japanese people have something to announce. At 3 a.m. Monetery Policy Statement goes public and three and a half an hour later Bank of Japan Press Conference takes place.
As written above, at 10:30 a.m. Central Bank of Russian Federation releases interest rate, what surely arouses interest as the sanctions remain.
At 12:30 p.m. important event is held in Canada as Core Retail Sales (MoM) is released. This indicator previously amounted to -2.5%
Source: Economic Calendar
Time: GMT