Definition: Social Inequalities i.e. A Socio-Economic Phenomenon

For there to be inequality, there must be more than a difference in group membership or position. Social inequality is about a wider range of differences.
Social inequalities - a socio-economic phenomenon, referring to the existing discrepancies in resources, power, income in given social groups. This phenomenon contrasts with a sense of justice. Social inequality consists in occupying a certain place in the social hierarchy, which is not legitimate. There are legitimized division systems in the community. One of them is the natural mechanism, which, as the basic one, constitutes the original position, which will be further directed at further stages by a given individual. Another important mechanism is the economic mechanism. It is based on market mechanisms that determine different levels of income achieved by entities. Thanks to this, it is possible to distinguish such mechanisms as:
Social inequalities concern: income, consumption level, gaining authority in society, opportunities to use personal skills.
Social inequalities against the background of:
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In order to illustrate social inequalities, the following are used:
K. Davis and W. Moore are American scientists who were the first to include the issue of social inequality in their theory, where they showed the concept of a society consisting of layers and the essence of the need for stratification of all social systems. Stratification should be interpreted as a discrepancy in the possession of material benefits and authority in society. On the other hand, treating a community as a social system is aimed at assigning individuals a social position that fulfills specific functions. To achieve this, a motivational system is created that evokes the desire to achieve given goals, which is possible with the right predispositions. This theory emphasizes the inheritance of certain abilities.
V. Paveto and G. Mosca, in their concept, emphasize the existence of power elites, regardless of the type of structure and organization of the community. In addition, inherited power skills refer to one of the higher social strata - the aristocracy.
Source: Pliszka T. NierównoÅ›ci spoÅ‚eczne a zagrożenia z nich wynikajÄ…ce Zeszyt 6/37 Katedra Teorii Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego