
The Following Week: Only One (!) Interest Rate Decision, British CPI And US Crude Oil Inventories – Economic Calendar By FXMAG.COM

The Following Week: Only One (!) Interest Rate Decision, British CPI And US Crude Oil Inventories – Economic Calendar By FXMAG.COM| FXMAG.COM

Table of contents

  1. Monday, Tuesday - Japan And South Africa
    1. Wednesday - Great Britain, Germany And The USA
      1. Thursday – Switzerland, Germany And The USA
        1. Friday – Great Britain, Germany And The USA

          After a week full of central bank’s announcement it’s time to shift down and observe ‘boring’ economic indicators.

          Data: courtesy of

          Monday, Tuesday - Japan And South Africa

          Bank of Japan released its monetary policy statement the previous week.

          The following Monday is a day free for both Japanese and South Africa’s people.

          Wednesday - Great Britain, Germany And The USA

          On Wednesday British CPI is released (prev. 5.5%). One and a half an hour later German Manufacturing PMI goes public. After midday (12:30 p.m.) Annual Budget Release is published and followed by the releases of US New Home Sales. At 2:30 p.m. many investors might follow the release of Crude Oil Inventories.

          Thursday – Switzerland, Germany And The USA

          At 8:30 SNB Interest Rate Decision (Q1) is released. What is not so usual – the current interest rate in Switzerland amounts to… -0.75%. At the same time German Manufacturing PMI is released. Four hours later important news comes from the USA where Core Durable Goods Orders are presented (0.7%).

          Friday – Great Britain, Germany And The USA

          Friday’s morning might be important for British people as Retail Sales indicator is published. The previously announced value was 1.9%. At 9 a.m. we head to Germany for the last time the following week, because German Ifo Business Climate is released (prev. 98.9). The last important event of the week 21/03-25/03 is the US Pending Home Sales (MoM) released at 2 p.m.

          the following week only one interest rate decision british cpi and us crude oil inventories economic calendar by fxmag com grafika numer 1the following week only one interest rate decision british cpi and us crude oil inventories economic calendar by fxmag com grafika numer 1

          Source: Economic Calendar


          Time: GMT
