
Altcoins: Luna Has Declined By 5% Over Last 24 hours! CAKE Has Gone Up! It’s About A 5% Gain! ETHGBP Has Fluctuated Today Ending April 7th Over 1.5% Higher

Altcoins: Luna Has Declined By 5% Over Last 24 hours! CAKE Has Gone Up! It’s About A 5% Gain! ETHGBP Has Fluctuated Today Ending April 7th Over 1.5% Higher| FXMAG.COM

We have observed many assets today and cryptocurrencies have been volatile as well! There are some signals that Fed will rise interest rate again and hawkish rhetoric is there. Also cryptocurrencies are really vulnerable for geopolitics factors like ongoing conflict in the eastern Europe.

Today we quickly review three charts of three different cryptocurrencies which are Luna, Cake and Ethereum. Dynamics of ETH and CAKE have been quite similar. Both of these crypto have gradually risen throughout last 24 hours. Luna has been moving less vitally in the morning showing first sights of latter significant fall below the line which have become a snowball running down the chart nearing -6.4%.

LUNA Price Chart – 24 hours

altcoins luna has declined by 5 over last 24 hours cake has gone up it s about a 5 gain ethgbp has fluctuated today ending april 7th over 1 5 higher grafika numer 1altcoins luna has declined by 5 over last 24 hours cake has gone up it s about a 5 gain ethgbp has fluctuated today ending april 7th over 1 5 higher grafika numer 1

All of highlighted cryptocurrencies have fallen in the afternoon and CAKE, in contrary to Ethereum and Terra have kept positive levels. All in all as the day is coming to an end PancakeSwap is ca. 4.8% up, ETHGBP chart shows a ca. 1.2% gain and Luna has its price line nearing -6.5%

CAKE Price Chart – 24 hours

altcoins luna has declined by 5 over last 24 hours cake has gone up it s about a 5 gain ethgbp has fluctuated today ending april 7th over 1 5 higher grafika numer 2altcoins luna has declined by 5 over last 24 hours cake has gone up it s about a 5 gain ethgbp has fluctuated today ending april 7th over 1 5 higher grafika numer 2

ETHGBP Chart – 24 hours

altcoins luna has declined by 5 over last 24 hours cake has gone up it s about a 5 gain ethgbp has fluctuated today ending april 7th over 1 5 higher grafika numer 3altcoins luna has declined by 5 over last 24 hours cake has gone up it s about a 5 gain ethgbp has fluctuated today ending april 7th over 1 5 higher grafika numer 3



Charts: Courtesy of

Mikołaj Marcinowski

Mikołaj Marcinowski

Business Development Manager FXMAG

Journalist, finance passionate
